MAC Rx: Finding Success With FrameworkECM

Customer Profile:

Customer Since: 2014 | Year Founded: 2014

Beds Served: 18,000
Pharmacy Locations: 1
Number of Employees: 210

Customer Focus:
Skilled nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities.

Company Overview

MAC Rx offers a large pharmacy chain's breadth and scope of services but is small enough to customize its services to meet each facility's needs. MAC Rx utilizes innovative technology solutions and a centralized team that includes pharmacy consulting and nursing services to offer significant value to long-term care facilities and skilled nursing facilities across the Midwest.

Goal: Treat each resident like family, with only the best services and pricing available in the industry.

The Challenge: Hitting a Wall

Document management is an instrumental part of pharmacy. MAC Rx had been with DocuTrack for years and had many customized processes, but was outgrowing the software and experiencing limitations due to the solution’s capabilities and level of integration ability.

The Solution: Taking It to the Next Level

Miriam Cho, Chief Pharmacy Officer at MAC Rx, thoroughly researched their options, focusing on FrameworkECM (electronic content management solution). “With the seamless integration and data sharing between FrameworkLTC and FrameworkECM,” Cho said, “converting to FrameworkECM is what our pharmacy needed to take operations to the next level.”

The Results: Business Growth

MAC Rx is a highly efficient pharmacy that relies on detailed data to make all decisions. With its focus on metrics, it has successfully grown from servicing 18 facilities in 2015 to more than 140 in 2020. In its lean operation, MAC Rx adds new technology to bring on additional facilities without needing additional staff.

Converting was intimidating, but with MAC Rx’s confidence and trust in SoftWriters’ implementation team and the process, transitioning to FrameworkECM was a huge success. “SoftWriters told us we’d recognize savings,” Cho said. “Over the first 90 days, we recognized a 45 percent savings in steps, and we never had a late dispatch, even during our initial conversation.”

To determine ROI, Miriam, and the team looked at over 23 processes they utilize. Then, they examined those processes in the former solution compared to FrameworkECM and realized they were able to reduce the number of steps almost by half.

“SoftWriters told us we’d recognize a savings. Over the first 90 days, we recognized a 45 percent savings in steps, and we never had a late dispatch, even during our initial conversation.”

— Miriam Cho, Chief Pharmacy Officer/PIC/CCO, MAC Rx


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